Midwifery practice Assendelft started in 2007. During all these years, we have been attending pregnant women and their families with great care and attention. We believe that you can be pregnant and give birth in the way you prefer and find most comfortable. You are free to choose where you wish to give birth, whether it is at home, at the hospital of your choice. We believe that the delivery will progress best in a place where you feel safest and most comfortable, and we will always support your choice.
We have consulting hours at various locations. You’re welcome in our practice as long as you live within 20 minutes from one of our locations. Apart from the midwifery practice in Assendelft we also have consultation hours at the following locations:
Verloskundigenpraktijk Assendelft is een kleinschalige praktijk voor verloskundige zorg voor cliënten uit de gehele Zaanstreek.
Door onze manier van werken met ‘je eigen verloskundige‘ willen we jullie alle tijd en aandacht geven die nodig is in deze bijzondere periode.